Sunday, October 22, 2006

ROP week 4 off day

jogged 13 min. walked 8 min.

Friday, October 20, 2006

ROP week 4 test day

24kg fig. 8 to hold: 3x5/5
hindu pushup: 3x5
16kg C&P: 3x1/1
24kg loaded clean: 3x1/1

24kg C&MP: 5 left, 2 right
16kg SN x 10 min.: 190 total

Monday, October 16, 2006

ROP week 4 - light day

24kg fig. 8 to hold: 3x5/5
hindu pushup: 3x5

16kg CL&MP: 5(1,2,3)
ring pullup: 5(1,2,3)

16kg SN x 8 min.: 6x10/10 = 120 total

34 min. total

Saturday, October 14, 2006

ROP week 3 heavy day

24kg fig. 8 to hold: 3x5/5
hindu push-up: 3x5

16kg CL&MP: 5(1,2,3)
ring pull-up: 5(1,2,3)

16 SW x 5 min.: (25/25,15/15)(10/10,10/10) 10/10, 5/5 = 150 total 30/min.

28 min. total

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

ROP week 3 - med. day

24 kg fig. 8 to hold: 3x5/5
hindu push-up: 3x5

16kg CL&MP: 5(1,2,3)
ring pull-up: 5(1,2,3)

16kg SW x 7 min.: 2x25/25, 20/20, 15/15 = 170 total

32 min. total

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

ROP week 3 - variety day

24kg WM: 3x3/3
ring dips: 3x3
80# SB PP: 3x3
12lb. shot alt. grip: 3x10/10

12 min.

Monday, October 09, 2006

ROP week 3 light day

24kg fig. 8 to hold: 3x5/5
hindu pushup: 3x5

16kg CL&MP: 5(1,2,3)
ring pull-up: 5(1,2,3)

16kg SN x 6 min.: 3x10/10, 5/5 = 70 total

31 min. total

Sunday, October 08, 2006

ROP week 2 off day

6 x 30 sec. sprints with 2-3 in between

Saturday, October 07, 2006

ROP week 2 - hard day

24kg fig. 8 to hold: 3x5/5
hindu push-up: 3x5

16kg CL&MP: 4(1,2,3)
ring pull-up: 4(1,2,3)

16kg SW x 6 min.: 3(10/10) 2(10/10) 2(10/10) 10/10 5/5 = 170 total 28/min.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

ROP week 2 - variety day

3 rds.

ring dips x3
32kg high pull x5/5
32kg THFS x5
24kg SW x5/5
12lb. shot alt. grip x5/5

ROP week 2 med. day - 10/4/06

24kg fig. 8 to hold: 3x5/5
hindu pushup: 3x5

16kg CL&MP: 4(1,2,3)
ring pullup: 4(1,2,3)

16 kg SW x 8 min.: 25/25, (2x10/10), 2(10/10,5/5), (5/5,5/5) = 170 total

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

ROP week 2 - variety day

24kg WM: 3x3/3
ring dip: 3x3
80# SB CL+PP: 3x2
12lb. shot alt. grip toss: 3x5/5

12 min.

Monday, October 02, 2006

ROP week 2 - light day

24kg fig. 8 to hold: 3x5/5
hindu pushup: 3x5

16kg C&MP: 4(1,2,3)
ring pullup: 4(1,2,3)

16kg SN x 7 min.: 4x10/10, 5/5 = 90 total

26 min. very little rest between sets

Saturday, September 30, 2006

ROP week 1 - heavy day

24kg figure 8 to hold: 3x5/5
hindu push-up: 3x5

16kg CL&MP: 3(1,2,3)
ring pull-up: 3(1,2,3)

16kg SW x 4 min.: 25/25, 15/15, 15/15, 5/1

29 min. total

Thursday, September 28, 2006

ROP week 1 - variety day

ring dip: 3x3
24kg WM: 3x2/2
32kg DL (with light band): 3x3/3

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

ROP week 1 - med. day

24kg fig. 8 to hold: 3x5/5
hindu pushup: 3x5

16kg C&MP: 3x(1,2,3)
ring pullup: 3x(1,2,3)

16kg SW x 6 min.: 20/20, 2x15/15, 2x10/10 = 140 total

I was extremely tired today. did not get good sleep!

23 min. total

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

ROP week 1 variety day

ring dips x3
65# SB shouldering x3/3
65# SB high pull x5
80# SB FS x5

did 4 rds.

Monday, September 25, 2006

ROP week 1 - light day - revised

24kg fig. 8 to hold: 3x5/5
hindu push-up: 3x5

16kg C&MP: 3x(1,2,3,)
pullup: 3x(1,2,3)

revised my workout using ETK Workbook. sticking with the 16kg bell for SN & SW. i was doing doubles, but am going back to singles. i really want to build up to the 24kg bell.


Sunday, September 24, 2006

Rest day

30 sec. all out sprint x 6 over 20 min.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

ETK light day

24kg fig. 8 to hold: 3x5/5
hindu squats: 3x5

16kg C&P: 5x1
ring pull-up: 5x1

24kg SW x 11 min.: 11x5/5

that wraps up the first week of ETK. the snatches were not good on the heavy day, but that is why we practice.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Rest day

jogged 1.5 miles - 12:50:92

Thursday, September 21, 2006

ETK week 1 variety day

ring dip: 3x(1,2) mini band assist
80# SB shoulder + SQ: 3x(1,2)

after each round of ladders
50# SB shoulder jog: 3x100m/100m

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

ETK week 1 heavy day

24kg fig. 8 to hold: 3x5/5
hindu push-up: 3x5/5

16kg C&P: 5x(1,2,3)
ring pull-up: 5x(1,2,3)

24kg SN: 2x5/5, 2x3/3 = 32 total

24 min. overall

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

ETK week 1 variety day

24kg WM: 3x(1,2)
ring dips: 3x(1,2) a little assist from foot
50# SB shoulder + SQ: 3x(1,2)
200m jog between each ladder

Monday, September 18, 2006

ROP week 1 med. day

warm up:
24kg fig. 8 to hold: 3x5/5
hindu push-ups: 3x5

16kg dbl. C&P: 5x(1,2)
ring pull-up: 5x(1,2)
24kg SW x 5min.: 5x7/7

22 min. total

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Press on

24kg fig. 8 to hold: 3x8/8
ring pull-ups: 3x8
ring dips: 3x8 (mini band assist)
32kg suitcase deadlift: 3x8/8

16kg dbl. long cycle: 3x8
400m run: x3

30 min. total

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Tired? Workout anyway!

I was a little tired from staying up too late last night. I almost blew off the workout. Turned out to be pretty decent.

24kg windmill: 4x5/5
ring pull-ups: 4x5
pushups: 4x5 (light band over back)
24kg overhead lunge: 4x5/5
24kg snatch: 4x5/5
2 min. jump rope: x4

33 minutes total

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Starting something new

I am going to a 3-5-8 format. The goal each time is 5 sets. The 3 rep day will focus on strength, and the 8 rep day will be more endurance based. I use rings, kettlebells, and sandbags for my equipment. Today's workout looked like this:

24kg fig. 8's to a hold: 4x3/3
ring pull-ups: 4x3
ring dips: 4x3 (mini band singled, not doubled)
32kg dead hang CL: 4x3/3
32kg push press: 4x3/3
32kg two-handed SW: 4x10

26:23 with rest PRN, no more than 1 minute

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

After a little break...

5x3 33:03

16kg TGU
ring pull-ups
pushups (light band over back)
32kg suitcase DL
400m run

I am going to stay basic until I am done with school! The runs really got me.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

A good heavy day

wu: 3rds.
24kg kb tgu: 1/1
ring pullups: 10
ring dips: 10 (mini band assist)

32kg kb CL+PJ: 3/3,5x2/2,4x1/1

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

it looked simple!

wu: 3 rds.
24kg kb windmill: 3/3
ring pullup: 10
ring dip: 2,1,1 no assist

12lb. shot wall ball (alt. arm)
tuck jumps

Saturday, August 26, 2006

short but sweet

wu: 3rds.
24kg TGU: 1/1
ring pullup: 5
ring dip: 10 (mini band assist)

2 rds.
towel pullups: 8
24kg swing: 21
32kg+5lbs. stiffLDL: 21
knees to elbows: 7
double unders: 21

Friday, August 25, 2006

solid day

wu: 3rds.
24kg windmills: 2/2
ring pullups: 10
ring dips: 10 (mini band assist)

32kg Front squat: 7x3/3
24kg Push press: 7x3/3

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Simple but effective

WU: 3rds.
24kg TGU rl
ring pullups

5 rds.
burpees: 15,4x10
ring pushups: 10, 4x6
400m run

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Deadlift substitute

wu: 3 rds.
ring pullups
ring dips (mini band assist)
32kg slingshot x10rl
32kg figure 8 x5rl

32+24kg SLDL (mini & light bands added):3/3,9x2/2
200m jog between sets

Monday, August 21, 2006

Back after a 5 day break

wu: 3rds.
ring dips x10 (mini band assist)
24kg sling shot x10rl
24kg fig. 8 x5rl

3 rds.
24kg SDHP x50
ring pullups x20
tuck jumps x30

my endurance is poo!

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Nice easy day

easy jog: 20:00

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Can you say backache!

24kg TGU: 3x1/1
ring pullups: 2x10,8
ring dips: 3x10 (mini band assist)

24kg goodmornings: 50,40,30,20,10
floor sit ups: 50,40,30,20,10

Monday, August 14, 2006

Too many pints!

7 rds.
32kg kb SDHP x5
ring L pullups x1
ring pushups x3

jogged for 8 min.

too many pints at yesterdays fantasy football draft!

Thursday, August 10, 2006

No rower, but no need!

24kg WM: 3x2/2
ring pullups: 3x10
ring dips: 2x10, 9 (mini band assist)

24kg SDHP: 25, 4x15
50lb. sandbag thruster: 15, 4x10
12:52 min.

my endurance is horrible!

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

pullup day

24kg TGU+WM: 3x1
ring dips (mini band assist): 3x10

12kg weighted ring pullups: 10x1 (60 sec. rests)
bw ring pullups: 5x1 (slow up & down)

Monday, August 07, 2006

No handstand pushups for me!

24kg TGU:3x1/1
ring pullups:3x10
ring dips:10,9,7 (mini band assist)

32kg SDHP:5x12
32kg TH-palm press:5,4x3

not as rx'd, cannot do hspu

Sunday, August 06, 2006

A little weak today!

I had a really weak wo today. No gas in the tank, but here it is:

24kg windmill: 3x2/2
Ring Pushups:10,8,6,7x4

ring pullups:10,8,6,3x4,4x5
20 minutes even

I do not have a bench, hence the ring pushups. It stinks that it was weak, but at least I showed up!

Friday, August 04, 2006

Back to kettlebells

Maxwell stretch

16kg for all

1. Clean + Military Press + Front Squat combo x 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 reps per arm

2. Snatch x 5, 10, 15 reps per arm

3. Hand-to-Hand Swing x 10, 20, 30 reps total

4. Turkish Get-up + Windmill combo x 1, 2, 1, 2

Thursday, August 03, 2006

sort of a light day

24kg & 16kg THA: 1,1
ring pullups: 6,7
ring dips: 5,5 (mini band assist)

32kg & 24kg SLDL w/ mini & light band: 7x2/2
32kg THSW: 7x8

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

My endurance needs help!


3 rds.
24kg 1/2 ups x2
ring dips x10 (mini band assist)

3 rds.
run 400m
16kg kb thruster: 10/10, (5/5,5/5) (5/5,5/5)
ring pullups: 12,12,10 (light band assist)
15:01 min

33 min. total

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

24kg TGU+windmill: 3x1/1
ring pullups: 5,7,7
ring dips: 3x8 (mini band assist)
32kg clean & jerk: 10x1/1

12 minutes

23 minutes total

Saturday, July 22, 2006

pretty good cardio

warmup: 3 rds. + 1 TGU
24kg TGU l/r
ring pullups: 10, 8, 4
ring dips: 3x3 (mini band assisted)

3 rds. for time
24kg sumo DLHP: 3x25 (was supposed to do 350 total!)
16kg FP: 15/15, 10/10, 5/5

23 min. total
done on 7/21/06

Maxwell WU
mini band assist ring dips: 3x3
24kg dbl. lunge walk: 6 x 10 steps
bw ring pullups: 10,6,6,6,4,4
15 min.

23 min. total

A girl is born...

Allie Christine Jackson joined us on 7/20. She was 7 lbs. 8 oz. and 19 1/2" long. What a beautiful little girl she is. Her and her mother are still in the hospital. Hopefully they will be coming home tomorrow.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Almost met pukie!

I wanted to hit it hard today because tomorrow I will be holding my new baby!

Maxwell WU: 5 reps each

10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 circuit style
24kg dbl. SLDL
16kg FP L/R
24kg dbl. CL

27:53 min.

33 min. total

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

5K, are you mad?!

Today's CrossFit RX is a 5k run. I hadn't ran in a long time! Here is what I did:

Maxwell WU: 5 reps each
3 rds.of
towel pullups x3
mini band assisted ring dips x3

5k run: 22:29

I could tell it has been a while since I had run. Oh well, just have to do it!

Monday, July 17, 2006

Pre final training!

33 min. total

Maxwell WU: 5 reps each
24kg dbl. WM
ring pullups: 10, 5, 4

rx'd 20 min. - did 17 min.
24kg DHSQCL: 5x5lr
Asst. RD: 10, 10, 7, 5, 4 (mini band)

pullups and dips need lots of work!

Sunday, July 16, 2006

My first official blog!

This is basically going to be my workout log. If you care to look at it, feel free. I am big into kettlebells, and started crossfit style training today. I felt that I needed to focus more on power than on strength and to up my endurance. My goal is to do multiple muscleups, but I have a long way to go.

warm up: circuit style
24kg TGU:5/5
ring dips (assisted):5x3

21-15-9 - circuit style
24kg thrusters:(6 dbls., 6/6, 2/1)(5/5, 5/5, 3/3)messed up the count!(3/3, 3/3, 3/3)
ring pullups:(6, 6, 5, 3, 1)(5, 3, 3, 4)(4, 3, 2)

27 min. total.
Very winded! Trying to get the hang of kipping pullups.

After some fooling around today, I have figured out how to use Jump Stretch bands to aid with the high rep pullups and dips.