Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Contolled Chaos

I have been dabbling with many different types of lifting styles and equipment. The only thing I have figured out is that I cannot stick to just one specific style. So what am I going to do?

Controlled Chaos is what I have come up with. This is nothing new and innovative. In fact, I am simply borrowing things from many people smarter than myself. I will always do something for strength followed by some cardio work. That's it! Whatever I feel like doing is what I am going to do. Powerlifting, olympic, kettlebells, rings, bands, and roadwork.

Today was AOS Providence for 23 minutes. That covered my plan. There were strength moves and lots of cardio. Tomorrow feels like some power snatches and a little jogging.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

ROP week 4 off day

jogged 13 min. walked 8 min.

Friday, October 20, 2006

ROP week 4 test day

24kg fig. 8 to hold: 3x5/5
hindu pushup: 3x5
16kg C&P: 3x1/1
24kg loaded clean: 3x1/1

24kg C&MP: 5 left, 2 right
16kg SN x 10 min.: 190 total

Monday, October 16, 2006

ROP week 4 - light day

24kg fig. 8 to hold: 3x5/5
hindu pushup: 3x5

16kg CL&MP: 5(1,2,3)
ring pullup: 5(1,2,3)

16kg SN x 8 min.: 6x10/10 = 120 total

34 min. total

Saturday, October 14, 2006

ROP week 3 heavy day

24kg fig. 8 to hold: 3x5/5
hindu push-up: 3x5

16kg CL&MP: 5(1,2,3)
ring pull-up: 5(1,2,3)

16 SW x 5 min.: (25/25,15/15)(10/10,10/10) 10/10, 5/5 = 150 total 30/min.

28 min. total

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

ROP week 3 - med. day

24 kg fig. 8 to hold: 3x5/5
hindu push-up: 3x5

16kg CL&MP: 5(1,2,3)
ring pull-up: 5(1,2,3)

16kg SW x 7 min.: 2x25/25, 20/20, 15/15 = 170 total

32 min. total

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

ROP week 3 - variety day

24kg WM: 3x3/3
ring dips: 3x3
80# SB PP: 3x3
12lb. shot alt. grip: 3x10/10

12 min.